Amanda Fehler Vallgårda

Analyst, Climate Future Lab
  • klimatilpasning oversvømmelse
    29 percent of the Danish area, and thus more than 440,000 year-round homes and almost 160,000 holiday homes, are already potentially affected by water from various forms of extreme weather - storm surges, heavy or prolonged downpours and rising groundwater. Such weather events will become more frequent and severe in the future. A new analysis from CONCITO suggests that the landscape, and the way we use it, is an important piece of the puzzle in dealing with tomorrow's wilder climate.
    Press release
  • klimatilpasning oversvømmelse
    29 percent of the Danish area, and thus more than 440,000 year-round homes and almost 160,000 holiday homes, are already potentially affected by water from various forms of extreme weather - storm surges, heavy or prolonged downpours and rising groundwater. Such weather events will become more frequent and severe in the future. A new analysis from CONCITO suggests that the landscape, and the way we use it, is an important piece of the puzzle in dealing with tomorrow's wilder climate.
    Press release
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Analyst, Climate Future Lab