About the project: From Planetary Boundaries to Planetary Politics Denmark

We are living in a time of polycrisis, with interconnected climate-, nature-, and environmental issues. The latest planetary boundaries status update showed that humanity have now transgressed six of nine boundaries of the “safe operating space” of our planet.

By trying to solve one crisis without consideration for the others, we risk exceeding the limits of the planet's carrying capacity. 

We need a new approach to policy development and resource management across climate, nature and the environment - in Denmark and globally. Planetary policy, i.e. policy that creates sustainable societies within planetary boundaries, represents a crucial step towards addressing the urgent challenges facing our planet today. 

Diagram with boundaries
The 2023 update to the Planetary boundaries. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Credit: "Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, based on analysis in Richardson et al 2023"

The project "From planetary boundaries to planetary policy" aims to create and disseminate knowledge on how to develop policy in line with planetary boundaries in Denmark and globally. 

Until the end of 2026, CONCITO will conduct analyses of how the different boundaries affect each other and the associated consequences for human society. The project's task is to continuously gather and present the most important insights from scientific research - especially within Earth System Science - relevant for policy development that can ensure a stable national and global environmental and climate state.

The project will also be used to bridge the gap between the latest scientific research and political, private, and civil society decision-makers. 

The project is followed by a scientific advisory board consisting of: 

  • Katherine Richardson (chairperson of the advisory board). Professor in Biological Oceanography and Leader of University of Copenhagen’s Sustainability Science Centre. Lead author of the 2023 planetary boundaries status update. 
  • Carsten Rahbek. Professor in biodiversity and Director of the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC), and the Villum Center for Global Mountain Biodiversity at the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen. Member of the Danish governmental Biodiversity Council. 
  • Wolfgang LuchtCo-Head of the Research Department on Earth System Analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), and a member of the German Federal Government’s Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU). 
  • Michelle Merrill Betsill. Professor of Global Environmental Politics, Copenhagen University, and a founding member of the Earth System Governance research alliance and also currently associate editor of the journal Earth System Governance.
  • Tiina Häyhä. PhD in Environment, Resources, and Sustainable Development from Parthenope University, Naples. Researcher in the Planetary Boundaries Research Lab at the Stockholm Resilience Centre.  
Andreas Lind

Senior Advisor, Climate Future Lab


Senior Advisor, Climate Future Lab
