
CONCITO press releases, articles and blogs.

Here you can read CONCITO's press releases, articles and blogs

  • global syd mobilitet
    Today, transport systems and mobility patterns of the world are in stark conflict with the global goals for climate and sustainable development. The challenges are most severe in many Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) who therefore need substantial help and investments to provide efficient, sustainable, low carbon and resilient infrastructure and transport services for their citizens and businesses.
  • flag
    Application deadline
    Are you the right person to support our work on deep global transition in energy, food and finance / investments? CONCITO is looking for a Senior Advisor with strong analytical skills and international experience in either energy, food, finance or economy to support CONCITO’s work on accelerating deep transition towards a net-zero/low carbon climate resilient and sustainable future for future generations and the planet.
  • EU flag
    Hesitation on post-2030 climate targets jeopardize European leadership and successful COP30.
  • Grøn omstilling af landbruget har særligt fokus på kvægdriften, der er en væsentlig kilde til udledninger af drivhusgasser.
    The so-called green tripartite agreement sets a direction for the green transition of Danish agriculture and designates more land for nature. However, the climate tax, which is crucial for reducing emissions, is disappointingly low and will not ensure a rapid climate-friendly transition in agriculture.
    Press release
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    The global food system must demand significantly more sustainable food, increase efficiency, and take much greater care of nature and biodiversity. Only in this way can the food system contribute positively to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on climate, nature, and health. This is highlighted in a new UN report, which concludes that many new initiatives and technologies are needed to achieve all the targets.
    Press release
  • Planetary politics billede.png
    Last fall, a group of international top scientists presented the latest update on the status of the “planetary boundaries” (Richardson et al., 2023), concluding that we have now exceeded six out of the nine boundaries that collectively maintain a stable Earth system. The planetary boundaries present a scientific health check for climate, biodiversity, marine environment, and a range of other biophysical systems that together support life on Earth.
  • amazon
    The Amazon rainforest is one of the tipping points that should be covered by a new planetary commons’ regime, according to the authors of the article.
  • biodiversitet
    Climate change could overtake land-use change as the main driver of biodiversity loss in the future, according to a new modelling study.
  • pollution
    Excessive nitrogen inputs to aquatic ecosystems can have negative consequences such as harmful algae blooms, hypoxia, and fish kills. This pollution limits the amount of water to be safely used by humans.
  • landbrug blomster
    A comprehensive new report by the green think tank CONCITO evaluates the initial impacts of the 2023-27 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, using Denmark as a key example. The findings highlight crucial insights into the reform's limited effectiveness in advancing environmental, climate, and biodiversity goals in its first year.
    Press release
  • samlet
    Green investor and entrepreneur Tommy Ahlers takes over the chairmanship from former EU Climate Commissioner and Climate Minister Connie Hedegaard, who, according to CONCITO's statutes, will step down after two four year terms.
    Press release
  • s
    Report from the Transforming Transportation conference.
  • ,
    Coalition of international climate organizations will come together for an event in Copenhagen on the 20th of March to deliver recommendations on integrating climate and development for climate finance to world leaders, ahead of a year of intense negotiations, starting at the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial.
  • bil på vejen
    Mobility is the potential for movement. That the road is clear if I want to drive. That there is a bus or other public transport running on schedule. That there are safe sidewalks and bike lanes.
  • tøj på en knage
    Danish wardrobes, in particular, must downsize and last longer to affect a substantial reduction in the climate and ecological impacts stemming from our consumption of clothes and the textile industry in general. This is concluded by CONCITO in a recent analysis, which further reveals a twofold increase in global textile demand over the past three decades, a trend notably predicated in affluent nations such as Denmark.
    Press release
  • cooling
    The multistakeholder Cool Coalition lead by UN Environment Programme, UNEP, at COP28 firmly placed sustainable cooling at the global agenda.
  • hte
    Brussels – Clean Air Task Force (CATF) and Danish think tank CONCITO announce a collaborative project aimed at contributing to a climate-proof, effective, and knowledge-based development of emissions trading in the European Union (EU). The project comes at a crucial juncture as the EU strives to achieve its ambition of becoming climate neutral by 2050.
    Press release
  • klimatilpasning oversvømmelse
    29 percent of the Danish area, and thus more than 440,000 year-round homes and almost 160,000 holiday homes, are already potentially affected by water from various forms of extreme weather - storm surges, heavy or prolonged downpours and rising groundwater. Such weather events will become more frequent and severe in the future. A new analysis from CONCITO suggests that the landscape, and the way we use it, is an important piece of the puzzle in dealing with tomorrow's wilder climate.
    Press release
  • indkø'b
    The climate impact of fish has been more than halved in the new version of CONCITO’s Big Climate Database and is now on the same level as the climate impact of pork and chicken. The climate database contains data on the climate impact of more than 500 different food products and is used by both professional food actors as well as households, to promote a more climate friendly food consumption.
    Press release
  • cop28 byer.jpg
    Dubai concluded with an agreement signaling the beginning of the end for fossil fuels. While this rightfully captured global attention, not everyone may have noticed a significant breakthrough in the global stage of COP negotiations: for the first time in the 28 years these summits have taken place, local climate efforts in municipalities and cities were included in the talks.