CONCITO briefs provide recommendations, background, and analysis on relevant issues.
  • global syd mobilitet
    Today, transport systems and mobility patterns of the world are in stark conflict with the global goals for climate and sustainable development. The challenges are most severe in many Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) who therefore need substantial help and investments to provide efficient, sustainable, low carbon and resilient infrastructure and transport services for their citizens and businesses.
  • bil på vejen
    Mobility is the potential for movement. That the road is clear if I want to drive. That there is a bus or other public transport running on schedule. That there are safe sidewalks and bike lanes.
  • Asfalt anlæg infrastruktur
    Many countries, including Denmark, are struggling to reduce CO2 emissions from transport. Particularly road transport, which is accountable for the main part. Yet many countries are investing in more road infrastructure, which typically will lead to more traffic and thus make it harder to reduce overall emissions from road transport.
  • y5
    CONCITO has joined forces with Professor Greg Marsden from University of Leeds in analyzing how efforts to decarbonize transport are coordinated between national and local governments
  • csa
    A new common agricultural policy (CAP) came into force on 1 January 2023, but it only creates limited opportunities for reducing agriculture's negative impact on climate and biodiversity.
  • vsa
    In the EU, negotiations on new rules for free allowances in the Emissions Trading System are entering into their decisive phase. The allocation of free allowances overrides the ‘polluter pays principle and slows down decarbonization. Free allowances should therefore be phased out more quickly, and the allocation of free allowances should be better targeted.