
Here you can read about ongoing and completed CONCITO projects.

Most projects belong to one of our programs, but there are also a few independent projects. 


  • klimaalliancen
    As the first country in the world, almost all Danish municipalities have created climate action plans through DK2020 with the goal of aligning with...
  • Øster Allé, København
    In the DK2020 project, Danish municipalities worked with the same standard for climate action planning as used by some of the world's most climate...
  • parck
    Municipalities play an important role in the transition to a resource-efficient society, where less material is used and more is recycled. This was...
  • Fysisk planlægning og klimamål
    The project focuses on key areas of spatial planning that have a significant CO2 impact.

Energy, Buildings and Industry

  • Bygninger og grøn omstilling
    CONCITO and Green Transition Denmark focus on the expanded role of buildings in the green transition to promote sustainable, climate-friendly and...

Food and Consumption


  • Samkørsel
    CONCITO is participating in an Interreg project to improve mobility for the population in a sustainable way by integrating carpooling and flexible...
  • Tung godstransport
    The project was carried out for Nordic Energy Research and provides recommendations on how to organise research on road freight transport.
  • lastbiler
    Denmark is a cargo country. Freight and goods transport account for 10% of Denmark's total CO2 emissions and the transformation of the sector has not...

Climate Future Lab

  • is
    We are living in a time of polycrisis, with interconnected climate-, nature-, and environmental issues. The latest planetary boundaries status update...
  • Dronebilleder fra Knuthenborg Safaripark.
    Our current land use is not sustainable and global land use plays a key role in the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, forest loss and the release of...
  • skud
    The project has taken stock of the Nordic countries' greenhouse gas emissions, identified challenges towards climate neutrality and opportunities for...