
Energy, Buildings and Industry

A green future will be shaped by energy efficient consumption, climate friendly construction as well as a primarily electrified industrial sector

CONCITO's Energy, Buildings and Industry program generates and partakes in a productive exchange of knowledge on the transformation of our energy system as well as our industry and building sectors both in Denmark, and internationally. 

The industry and construction sectors are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark and globally. These sectors need to undergo massive transformations to reach climate targets, to bring about net-zero emissions, and negative emissions in the long term. In order to achieve Danish and global climate goals we must rethink the way that these sectors consume energy and use resources and redirect them towards energy and resource efficiency and other carbon-reducing measures and solutions.  

To support this change, we produce and disseminate new knowledge about the energy, industry and construction sectors' climate challenges and solutions for the benefit of politicians, stakeholders and the media. Through analyses and dialogue with key players, we seek to advance the understanding of these complex areas that significantly impact the global climate. 

We work to promote a green, secure, and efficient energy system, a green, electrified industry and healthy, climate friendly buildings.  

The program currently has its focus directed towards the following:    

  1. Energy efficiency. We promote efficient energy use as a crucial tool for reducing CO2 emissions, in the energy, industry and building sectors.  
  1. Green industry. Accelerate the industry's contribution towards achieving a green transition with a focus on opportunities for electrification and energy and resource efficiency.  
  1. Climate firendly construction. Promote climate-efficient and climate friendly construction during new construction and when renovating, through circular economic approaches and supported by a resource-efficient construction industry.