Bygninger og grøn omstilling

Buildings and green transition

CONCITO and Green Transition Denmark focus on the expanded role of buildings in the green transition to promote sustainable, climate-friendly and healthy buildings.

Buildings will play an expanded role in the green transition towards 2050. In this project, CONCITO and  Green Transition Denmark will disseminate knowledge to building stakeholders. The aim is to promote climate-friendly and sustainable buildings with a healthy indoor climate.

Publications in the project

Fremsynsnotater with the latest knowledge on requirements and trends affecting construction.

Interviews with stakeholders who have extensive knowledge of areas of importance to construction.

Events such as webinarer.

Artikler, kommentarer m.v.

Purpose of the project

The aim of the project is to promote climate-friendly, sustainable and healthy buildings. This will be done by developing and disseminating knowledge on the future framework conditions for construction, new building forms and materials, the interaction of buildings with energy systems, etc. The project contributes knowledge to the construction industry on the many new trends and external requirements affecting construction, and complements this with recommendations on how the construction industry can address these.

In addition, knowledge is disseminated to the civil service and the political level on how to ensure the best possible framework for future sustainable and climate-friendly buildings as part of the green transition.

Focus areas

The project will focus on the following areas:

  • The climate footprint of buildings in material selection, construction, operation, renovation and disposal, including whether the need for building space per person can be reduced while improving use
  • The function and role of buildings in the implementation of the electrification of the energy system, the offloading of the electricity grid and heat supply and transport
  • Ensuring the best indoor climate and comfort level for occupants
  • The interaction of buildings with the surrounding community and as important elements of a socially and climatically well functioning urban and rural community
  • The impact of climate change on the planning and adaptation of new buildings or the renovation of existing ones.

Buildings must be able to contribute to climate goals and support the phase-out of fossil fuels. They must be able to deal with the future electrification of the energy supply. They must contribute to socially inclusive urban environments. They must be able to withstand climate change. The opportunities and challenges for the construction sector in the green transition are and will be many.

Project period: 2020 to 2022.

The project is supported by Realdania and Grundejernes Investeringsfond and carried out by CONCITO with Green Transition Denmark as project partner. Ea Energy Analyses and Technological Institute are included as professional knowledge partners.

Bygninger og grøn omstilling



Søren Dyck-Madsen, seniorkonsulent, CONCITO,, 30 89 60 80

Christian Jarby, seniorrådgiver, Rådet for Grøn Omstilling,, 20 14 72 45