
Here you can read CONCITO's reports, notes, etc.
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    In 2020-2023 the Department of Sociology at the University of Copenhagen and CONCITO have carried out a research and practice project on social driving forces and barriers for climate-friendly diets among young people. This report summarizes the most important research results and impressions from the green conversation dinners.
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    In recent years, municipalities and cities around the world have increasingly adopted local climate action plans that systematise their contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the consequences of climate change. This is also the case in a Danish context, where almost all municipalities are expected to have adopted a climate action plan in accordance with the Paris Agreement by the end of 2023.
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    Broken Record - Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again)
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    How national experiences and new digital technologies can strengthen the Transparency effort of non-state actors
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    New EU requirements for sustainability in value chains serve as an essential tool for securing financial streams towards the green transition in the Global South. At the same time, it can help build trust between Africa and Europe. However, this can only happen if the new regulations, as the ones we are now seeing from the EU, are followed by targeted efforts to help countries meet value chain requirements.
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    97 of the 98 municipalities in Denmark have developed, or are developing, a C40-approved climate action plan compatible with the Paris Agreement. In this report, Ea Energianalyse analyses the 92 climate action plans developed so far.
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    The need for adaptation is big, and still growing. Governments and non-state actors must come together, and explore possibilities for how to close the adaptation finance gap
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    The European Union is not currently on track to deliver on its ambition to become climate neutral by 2050 at the latest. Despite several sets of climate and energy proposals from the European Commission for 2030, including Fitfor55 and REPowerEU, new policies and perhaps even a revamp of the climate architecture at large is needed to get the EU all the way to net-zero.
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    Denmark's climate footprint per capita is among the largest in the world, and a major political task remains to reduce the climate impact from our consumption of transportation, food and housing in particular.
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    A new CONCITO report assesses the potential and risks of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS) in the EU with a specific focus on biomass resources.