Analysis of the emissions reduction contributions of Danish municipalities towards meeting the 70% target by 2030

97 of the 98 municipalities in Denmark have developed, or are developing, a C40-approved climate action plan compatible with the Paris Agreement. In this report, Ea Energianalyse analyses the 92 climate action plans developed so far.

This past summer's extreme weather reminds us of the severity of climate change that awaits us in the coming decades. Still, greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are increasing, and 2022 set another dismal record for global CO2 emissions. Climate change is inevitable, but if we can reverse the trend and rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we have a chance to mitigate the worst impacts.

This requires a coordinated and massive effort from governments, businesses, local decision-makers and citizens. 97 out of 98 Danish municipalities have developed or are in the process of developing C40-approved climate plans that are compatible with the Paris Agreement.

This report maps the 92 climate plans that are ready so far, and the results are encouraging. The municipalities' goal is to reduce their emissions by a total of 76% by 2030 compared to 1990, which is 6 percentage points more than the national target of 70%. The coming years will show if the municipalities can deliver on their targets. The DK2020 framework, under which the climate plans have been developed, requires municipalities to regularly monitor and evaluate their initiatives, and in five years at the latest, the plans must be reviewed again.

Prepared for the DK2020 partnership. 
Prepared by: Ea Energy Analyses in collaboration with CONCITO.

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Senior Advisor, Cities