Som grøn tænketank har vi en særlig tilgang til den måde, vi arbejder på og vores rolle i den grønne omstilling. Det er beskrevet i vores DNA, og illustrerer hvad omverdenen kan forvente af vores adfærd og bidrag til at skabe et klimaneutralt og klimarobust samfund.

INDEPENDENT Credible Integrity Policy neutral

We are the politically neutral, climate expert voice with a Danish and international perspective

We maintain our relevance by being professionally and constructively critical of all parties/issues/policy/climate agendas

We speak to all and with high integrity - professionally, personally and politically

KNOWLEDGE-BASED Professionalism Relevance Insightful

We deliver knowledge with high climate content and bridge knowledge and policy.

We disseminate relevant knowledge on green transition to relevant stakeholders

We build our climate expertise on state-of-the-art knowledge and avoid synthesis

INTERACTIVE Spatial climate partner Bridge builder

We help all those working for green transition

We bring stakeholders together and ensure that the right things are discussed

We are generous and bring our knowledge to bear to maximise impact

SYSTEMIC Structural Holistic Global

We link concrete initiatives with systemic change.

We work for the long term and across sectors

We take a global perspective.

CONSTRUCTIVE Solution-oriented Climate watchdog

We always offer solutions in our views and criticisms

We take the debate to where the impact is greatest

We set the agenda and influence policy

NUANCED Balancing Pragmatic Realistic

We talk honestly about dilemmas and the uncertain

We don't shoot others down, but respond and argue

We are never polemical and do not take political sides