
CONCITO press releases, articles and blogs.

Here you can read CONCITO's press releases, articles and blogs

  • mark
    A strengthened institutional framework, which can support verifying the effect of the different climate change measures, document a hopefully decreasing emission of greenhouse gases, and advise on and monitor the implementation of the political agreements, should be established.
  • Konference
    On 19 June 2023, CONCITO, in collaboration with Dan Jørgensen, Danish Minister for Sustainable Development and Global Climate, organized a conference on global sustainable development and climate efforts with the aim of discussing synergies and connections in these efforts among Danish actors.
  • Asfalt anlæg infrastruktur
    Many countries, including Denmark, are struggling to reduce CO2 emissions from transport. Particularly road transport, which is accountable for the main part. Yet many countries are investing in more road infrastructure, which typically will lead to more traffic and thus make it harder to reduce overall emissions from road transport.
  • Transport
    The International Transport Forum, ITF, and its annual Summit in Leipzig, Germany is something like a “Davos-meeting for the transportation sector”. Transport Ministers and deputies from around the World – The United States to China; Lithuania to South Africa - meet over three days in May, and all kinds of transport experts, stakeholders and media join in to confront the sector’s current challenges.
  • a
    European agriculture must deliver unprecedented reductions of greenhouse gas emissions while also providing enough food for European citizens and the world. This calls for new and stronger measures in the EU such as emissions trading for agriculture.
  • y
    With increasing global greenhouse gas emissions, it is more important than ever that the green transition be accelerated. In order to comply with the Paris target, the entire world must be climate neutral in a few decades. Climate neutrality is therefore the next obvious goal for national climate policies. The Nordic countries are among the richest in the world and are traditionally seen as leaders in the green transition. It is therefore crucial that the Nordic countries take the lead and set an example for the development of the climate-neutral society. An example that can be applied globally.
  • rgs
    The European electricity market is a crucial tool in reaching EU climate neutrality. The next two months could make or break the electricity market, depending on legislators in the Council and in the European Parliament. Our wish is that legislators appreciate the value of the electricity market and focus on strengthening its ability to deliver a climate neutral Europe.
  • mad buffet
    Public kitchens are essential for promoting climate-friendly eating habits in Denmark, and in recent years, the use of climate data on food has gained momentum as a tool that provides new insights and motivates more climate-friendly purchases and meals in public institutions. This effort should be further promoted in the coming years.
  • y5
    CONCITO has joined forces with Professor Greg Marsden from University of Leeds in analyzing how efforts to decarbonize transport are coordinated between national and local governments
  • ko
    Although the climate, human health and economy would benefit from people following the official dietary guidelines, we continue to see many examples of ads, campaigns and lobbying that seek to preserve or promote the consumption of meat and milk.
  • linser
    Our current consumption patterns and lifestyles constitute a significant climate impact that cannot be reduced through technological solutions alone. It is therefore internationally recognized, both politically and scientifically, that action must be taken now to promote climate-friendly lifestyles while establishing green technologies and production methods.
  • copenhill
    The first CO2 will be pumped into the Danish underground, and this could be the start of a major Danish CO2 storage adventure. If done right, CCS could play an important role in meeting Danish and European climate targets.
  • The EU needs more accurate modelling tools for its climate policies, as the current information is often not up-to-date and does not reflect the rapid development in green technologies.
  • csa
    A new common agricultural policy (CAP) came into force on 1 January 2023, but it only creates limited opportunities for reducing agriculture's negative impact on climate and biodiversity.
  • RGW
    CONCITO, Copenhagen (and online), Feb. 28, 14:00h - 16:00h [CET/DK time]
  • inger cop27
    Food crises and the necessary transformation of the global food systems was on the agenda at COP27 in Egypt, but there's still a long way to go.
  • cd
    CONCITO is participating in a number of events at COP27. Below you will find an overview.
  • daw
    Aviation contributes significantly to climate change; however, the climate impact is for the most part currently unregulated.
  • de
    The green transition of the agricultural sector is a major topic in the election campaign, and for good reason. The upcoming parliament must contribute to ensuring unprecedented greenhouse gas reductions from Danish agriculture in a very short time, and preferably with a beneficial effect on the global climate.
  • hvidbog forside.jpg
    A national reduction target for the climate footprint of consumption can be an important starting point for changing our consumption patterns. This is the conclusion of a new joint white paper from DeltagerDanmark and CONCITO.
    Press release