Emil Fraas

Emil is Climate Analyst in CONCITOs programme on Food and consumption

Emil Fraas carries the title of climate analyst in CONCITOs international project ‘’Towards a Sustainable Food System in the EU’. Emil is primarily allocated to work with the modelling of the agricultural sectors green house gas emissions, as well as methods and technology to reduce such emissions.

Emil is educated as an agronomist and have experience from the national government. Emil is specialized in soil chemistry and carbon sequestration.

  • jsb-co-bV25sYP3qLE-unsplash.jpg
    The global food system must demand significantly more sustainable food, increase efficiency, and take much greater care of nature and biodiversity. Only in this way can the food system contribute positively to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on climate, nature, and health. This is highlighted in a new UN report, which concludes that many new initiatives and technologies are needed to achieve all the targets.
    Press release
  • jsb-co-bV25sYP3qLE-unsplash.jpg
    The global food system must demand significantly more sustainable food, increase efficiency, and take much greater care of nature and biodiversity. Only in this way can the food system contribute positively to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on climate, nature, and health. This is highlighted in a new UN report, which concludes that many new initiatives and technologies are needed to achieve all the targets.
    Press release
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Emil Fraas
Climate Analyst, Food and consumption