Klimavenlig trivsel - kollage

Greater well-being with a smaller climate impact

In this project, CONCITO, in collaboration with the Department of Psychology at Aarhus University, shows how it is possible in today's Denmark to live more sustainably and climate-friendly without compromising quality of life and well-being. The core of the project is a "lifestyle catalogue" with detailed portraits of five families' everyday and leisure lifestyles based on well-being measurements and calculations of the families' carbon footprint.

For all five families, their measured well-being is higher than average and their greenhouse gas emissions 25-50 percent lower than the average emissions of 19 tonnes per Dane or compared to the expected average emissions in the same income segment.

However, families also face a number of challenges that require action at the societal level if we are to succeed in reducing emissions to 2 tonnes per capita by 2050. Among other things, families point to the need for concrete and more structural policy measures that can regulate purchasing behaviour, make sustainable consumption easier and cheaper, and generally create a better link between well-being and climate action.

The project is supported by the VILLUM FONDEN.  

Menneskets adfærds- og forbrugsvaner er en helt afgørende faktor for, om vi lykkes med omstillingen til et klimamæssigt bæredygtigt samfund. På grundlag af en tværfaglig syntese af klimavidenskab og psykologi, fokuserer dette projekt på, hvordan faktorer som trivsel og meningsfuldhed relaterer sig til vores individuelle klimabelastning.

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