
Up to 70%
How much private consumption patterns and lifestyles contribute directly and indirectly to global greenhouse gas emissions.
The share of global greenhouse gas emissions that can be addressed by laying the foundations for sustainable living in the energy, mobility, food and housing sectors.

70% of global greenhouse gas emissions are directly or indirectly related to lifestyles and activities linked to private household consumption. Reducing emissions will require changes in the social, material, and institutional contexts that shape our behavior.

To reduce the climate impact of our consumption and lifestyles, we need to work on (and challenge) the foundations of what is practically and culturally valuable and of what we understand by the good and desirable life.

One way to do this is to explore and mobilize spaces across sectors, the political arena, and civil society within which good, free lives can be played out, respecting planetary boundaries.

Our main focus in transforming our lifestyles and consumption is to ensure good lives that meet human needs and well-being while not transgressing planetary boundaries.


Charlotte Louise Jensen
Charlotte Louise Jensen
Senior Advisor, Food and Consumption