Nature-based cities

This report gathers knowledge on climate challenges in cities and presents new perspectives to the debate on cities of the future and why urban nature is key to the development of climate resilient, climate neutral, and livable cities

The report takes a closer look at nature-based solutions and argues for a deeper nature-based thinking as the core of future urban planning and development.

The key message is that a systemic integration of nature in both thinking and practice can help counteract climate and biodiversity challenges that cities in both Denmark and the rest of the world are experiencing, and at the same time improve urban health and well-being, sense of ownership, and the natural environment in cities.

The report should not be seen as a manual or handbook, but as a contribution to a broader understanding of nature-based urban planning and development. As the report initially was written to a Danish audience, there is a section dedicated to Danish cases.

It is our hope that the report will inspire urban planners and practitioners working to create the green and climate-resilient cities we all want to live in. At the same time, we hope that the report will provide knowledge and spark ideas for others interested in sustainable urban planning.

Program Director, Cities