Reducing emissions and growing the economy - the Nordic way

The Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordic think tanks within the framework of the Open Climate Network invites you to a COP19 sideevent on Nordic green growth.

The Nordic countries are often seen as green in respect of both a good environment and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. During the last decades, the Nordic countries have implemented ambitious energy and climate policies. At the same time, economic growth has been relatively strong - even through the current economic crisis. How has this been possible? What policies have been the most effective? Can these policies be implemented in other countries?

Within the framework of the Open Climate Network, CONCITO, Zero, Fores and Global Utmaning present a report highlighting some of the more efficient climate policies from the Nordic countries. Furthermore, a presentation of the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2013 will show how the Nordic region can achieve a carbon-neutral energy and transport system in 2050. It is the first ever regional edition of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) renowned global publication Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP).

Date: 15 November 2013
Time: 20.15-21.45
Venue: Room Wroclaw, 2nd floor, zone B2, National Stadium, Warsaw

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Further information:
Susanne Krawack