Climate dialogue with Kate Raworth

CONCITO, KLUB and KR Foundation invite to climate dialogue with Kate Raworth

Friday 19 May 2017, 8.30-11.00
KLUB, Línnesgade 25, Copenhagen

As citizens around the world vociferously reject the economic ideals that have led to rising inequality and environmental degradation, Kate Raworth has identified seven key ways to fundamentally rethink economics so that it helps to meet the needs of all within the means of the planet. In her book “Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist”, Raworth advocates the following shifts in the economist’s mindset:

  1. Change the goal—from GDP to the Doughnut.
  2. See the big picture—from self-contained market to embedded economy.
  3. Nurture human nature—from rational economic man to social adaptable humans.
  4. Get savvy with systems—from mechanical equilibrium to dynamic complexity.
  5. Design to distribute—from ‘growth will even it up again’ to distributive by design.
  6. Create to regenerate—from ‘growth will clean it up again’ to regenerative by design.
  7. Be agnostic about growth—from growth addicted to growth agnostic.

Kate Raworth will together with experts and guests discuss these ideas and raise the tough questions on how such an approach to economics can be put into practice. What are the solutions and barriers for change?

Kate Raworth describes herself as a renegade economist. She teaches at Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute and is a senior associate of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Over the past 20 years her career has taken her from the villages of Zanzibar and the headquarters of the United Nations to the campaigning frontlines of Oxfam International.

Contact and registration

Participation is free, but registration is necessary by 17 May via email to

For information on Kate and doughnut economics