Louise Kirstine Carus Andersen

Louise er studentermedarbejder i Klimalaboratoriet

Louise er studentermedarbejder i Klimalaboratoriet, hvor hun blandt andet arbejder med nordisk klimaneutralitet.

Louise har en bachelor i naturressourcer med en specialisering i plantevidenskab og læser nu en kandidat i klimaforandringer på Københavns Universitet.

  • forside planetary 2
    The planetary boundaries framework is increasingly used as a baseline for national policy making. Here, we examine insights from ten studies that apply and downscale the planetary boundaries from global to national levels.
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  • forside planetary 2
    The planetary boundaries framework is increasingly used as a baseline for national policy making. Here, we examine insights from ten studies that apply and downscale the planetary boundaries from global to national levels.
Studentermedarbejder, klimalaboratoriet