The importance of Sustainable Mobility to Climate and Development – Is Denmark ready to play a part?

A huge global effort is needed to ensure sustainable mobility and climate-resilient infrastructure in developing countries. Today, however, Denmark is not at the forefront of countries focusing on this challenge.

This is uncovered in a new analysis by Henrik Gudmundsson from CONCITO and Holger Dalkmann from the German consultancy firm SUSTAIN2030. 

The analysis makes a number of recommendations on how Denmark can bring its technical competences, administrative resources and strategic positions into play in the necessary transformation of transport in the Global South, and thereby contribute to promoting the synergies between climate, sustainability and poverty reduction that are central to Danish development efforts.  

global syd mobilitet
Af Henrik Gudmundsson, CONCITO og Holger Dalkmann, Sustain2030
Der er behov for en kæmpe global indsats for at sikre bæredygtig mobilitet og klimarobust infrastruktur i udviklingslandene i det globale syd. Lige nu mangler næsten 1 milliard mennesker adgang til noget så elementært som en stabil vejforbindelse til arbejde, skole, marked og sundhedstjenester, og med de eskalerede klimaforandringer øges udfordringerne dag for dag.
Seniorkonsulent, Fremtidens Mobilitet